Boost your expertise in Quantum Science

The Master in Quantum Science and Technologies is aimed at graduates in Physics, Physical Engineering or equivalent degrees who want to continue specialization studies in Quantum Science and Technologies.

About the Master

The master provides access to 60+ cutting-edge theoretical and experimental research groups across 3 universities and 4 research centres, working on quantum communication, computing, materials, sensing, and simulation, fields aligned with major pillars of the European Quantum Flagship.

Quantum Flagship

The program is taught by 30+ expert professors, and covers the core concepts of quantum science & technology, as well as practical tools and techniques. Engagement with industry is prominent, with high-tech companies actively participating in teaching, offering internships, seminars and a careers symposium. The program provides access to PhD programs at the participating institutes, and will advance the future careers of students interested in working in academia or industry in this exciting and fast-moving field.

Education icon


Learn cutting-edge experimental and theoretical techniques in emerging quantum sciences and their technological applications.

Bridging with Industry icon

Bridging with Industry

Experience direct contact with companies developing new Quantum Technologies.

Quantum Pillars icon

Quantum Pillars

Choose elective subjects in Quantum Computation, Sensing, Simulation, & Communication.

Catalonia Quantum Community icon

Catalonia Quantum Community

The Master is embedded in the QuantumCAT Community of Universities, Companies and Research Institutes.

Key data

Deadlines: Pre-enrollment 5th promotion, Feb 2025-June 2025

Start Date: September 2025

Duration: 1 Year, 60 ECTs

Location: Lectures at the Faculty of Physics (UB)

Fees: €27.67/ECTS for students from the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra and China, €82 Euro/ECTS all other students. Full 60 ECTS course is €1.660,20 (EU students), €4.920 (non-EU students)


Fellowships & Admissions

More info

Students entering the Master are required to take the Quantum Core courses covering advanced quantum mechanics, condensed matter theory, and quantum information theory. After that, students may build their own path through the master, selecting elective courses from one or more of the following tracks:

  • Quantum Theory: designed for students with a background in theory and mathematics, with advanced courses on theoretical topics related to quantum information, communications and sensing.
  • Quantum Software: designed for students with a computational background, with courses on cutting-edge numerical and computational techniques.
  • Quantum Hardware: designed for students with an experimental focus, these courses have a practical focus on experimental techniques and cutting-edge quantum technologies.
  • Quantum Optics: these are theoretical and experimental courses offered in conjunction with the Master in Photonics, for students interested in quantum optics, atom-light interaction, and their applications.

Strong links with industry are embedded into the program. All students are required to take a course on Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and the program offers opportunities to undertake an Internship with a local company or research group.

Topical Seminars from researchers and companies, and an Annual Career Symposium, will enhance the link to industry and expose students to a wide range of career paths and potential employers.


PhD Studies

Students who complete the master program and wish to continue their studies towards a research career may apply to several PhD programs:


Coordination team

Want to learn more?

Please don't hesitate to email us if you need more information or have any questions. We're here to help you.

Fellowships & Admissions

Faculty & courses

Further details of the curriculum, including course content and admissions details, can be found here.

Quantum Core


Quantum Theory

Quantum Software

Quantum Hardware

Quantum Optics

The Quantum Optics courses are offered in partnership with the Master in Photonics program.

Research groups

Students may undertake research projects with one of more than 60+ research groups at the participating universities and research centers. The Master Thesis will run from February to July. Detailed information regarding avaialble research projects will be made available during the first trimester of the program.


Participating Institutions

  • UB Logo
  • UAB Logo
  • UPC Logo
  • ICFO Logo
  • BSC Logo
  • IFAE Logo
  • ICN2 Logo


Students enrolled in the master will have the opportunity to have first hand contact with local and international companies working on Quantum Technologies through a variety of activities, including Internships, Topical Seminars, and an Annual Career Symposium.

  • Algorithmiq Logo
  • Cryoconcept Logo
  • Delft Circuits Logo
  • IBM Logo
  • IDEADED Logo
  • IDQ Logo
  • IQM Logo
  • Fujitsu Logo
  • Luxquanta Logo
  • Multiverse Logo
  • PASQAL Logo
  • Qilimanjaro Logo
  • Quantum AI Logo
  • Quside Logo
  • Sandbox AQ Logo
  • VLC Photonics Logo
  • Xanadu Logo

International Partners and Exchange Opportunities

We are building links with international partners with quantum masters programs to facilitate cooperation and student exchange through the Erasmus+ program. Current students interested in exploring these opportunities should contact the coordinators at for more details.

European Quantum Master Program Partners:

  • Master’s Program on Quantum Science & Technology, Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (TUM and LMU)
  • Master of Science in Quantum, Light, Materials and Nano Sciences, Paris-Saclay-University.
  • Quantum Technology Open Master, a pilot program of the QTEdu CSA of the European Quantum Flagship.

DigiQ – Digitally Enhanced Quantum Technology Master

Our Master program participates in the European project DigiQ. In the next three years, our students and lecturers will participate actively in this project. The main fronts are:

  • Improving our lectures by incorporating top educational material developed by other partners.
  • Generating high quality educational materials to be shared with other partners.
  • Participating in the networking activities and mobility programs funded by the project.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme under grant agreement no. 101084035.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme under grant agreement no. 101084035.

Want to learn more?

Please don't hesitate to email us if you need more information or have any questions. We're here to help you.